
Drupal allow download exe file mime type

27 Dec 2013 application-x-executable.png Program icon I got my list of MIME-type icons from the docroot/modules/file/icons/ folder. After applying the patch and clearing the cache the alt attribute is added to file download link icons. Allowing users to add their own attributes also allows users to choose to make the  wants to allow any extension. In this case we have to remove the // validator or else it will reject all extensions. unset($validators['file_validate_extensions']); }  Drupal has the ability to upload and download files in a variety of ways. In this chapter Thus, giving that user write permission to the files folder allows Drupal to upload files. Type fid serial uid int o filename varchar(255) uri varchar(255) filemime varchar(255) filesize int As a defense against uploaded executable files,. 8 Dec 2015 Remember that when downloading important files there is a possibility that than using Drupal's Login Security module (6/7/8) as it would allow you to use your content that, by clever naming, could be treated by MSIE as executable or dynamic Apache MIME module maps file extensions to MIME-type  move_uploaded_file — Moves an uploaded file to a new location Fourth: Check File extensions and Mime Types that you want to allow in your project. as php-cgi.exe or php.exe is, upload_tmp_dir will NOT be accessible for file uploads! 24 May 2016 Most of the header parameters can be set either in your .htaccess file (Apache) or Headers such as X-Frame-Options and Access-Control-Allow-Origin may from trying to mime-sniff the content-type of a response away from the one being declared by the server. Download Drupal 8 module (github) 

The file category defines which mime type or file extension can be uploaded to a node. It is a coma separated string list which can contain mime type(image/*,image/jpeg) or file extensions(.exe,.mp3). Both can be mixed.

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RewriteRule ^grab /public/files/download/download.php to most of the files in the directory, but allow access to maybe one or two files, or file types, easy.

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