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Rosen's Emergency Medicine-The first and in my opinion the best. I think this book is quite readable and probably the most authoritative of the texts. Senior registrar in emergency medicine at Postgraduate Institute of Medicine, University of Colombo. Full instructor for European Resuscitation Council ALS courses as well as local APLS and NLS courses. 1234567Při pokusu o sdílení polohy došlo k chyběAktualizovatVíce informacíSeznamNápovědaOchrana údajůStatistika hledanostiPřidat stránku do hledání odkazuje na služby nejen od Více o upoutávkách© 1996–2020, a.s. Emergency measures for delivery are indicated when childbirth is imminent. The most common cause of cardiac arrest is coronary artery disease. Less common causes include major blood loss, lack of oxygen, very low potassium, heart failure, and intense physical exercise. Here are links to possibly useful sources of information about Hypertensive emergency. Trauma is the sixth leading cause of death worldwide, resulting in five million or 10% of all deaths annually. It is the fifth leading cause of significant disability. About half of trauma deaths are in people aged between 15 and 45 years…

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Chronic hypercapnia, where metabolic compensation is usually present, may cause symptoms but is not generally an emergency.

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